X Week

Last night was the first night of a four night youth outreach event in downtown Mossel Bay. There are about 8 churches working together from the area to put together this event. It is pretty awesome. Last night they kicked things off. Josh and Jules brought all the youth from our church and all together there were about 200 kids gathered together on the top floor of a downtown parking garage. They set up a stage and had a dance team and a band and then a speaker who is actually here from the USA. He was really able to engage with the kids and it was a successful start. Exciting!

A visit to Freimersheim

At the end of last year a young couple was brought to our church. They feel that God has called them to a small farming community called Freimersheim. It is their desire to plant a church there and they came to us for some guidance and support. So far they have had a rather hard time. Last saturday afternoon they invited us to their house for a meal. We had an amazing time seeing where and how they live. They cooked an amazing meal for us. A type of stew that is cooked in a big cast iron pot over the fire. It was delicious. We really enjoyed our time with them and are hoping to grow in our relationship and that we would be able to encourage them in what God has called them to do.

Noah with our friend Vanti

Noah with his friends Joel and Wendall

the stew cooking

the need to blog –

Yes it has been a while and we have been out of touch but, we are back now. Three weeks back in Mossel Bay and we are feeling settled in. We will be attempting to blog on a much more regular basis. Nothing else too exciting to say right now so…here is a picture of noah.

noah has a new found love for ice pops