
Last month, on November 14th, we were privileged to be invited to attend the graduation ceremony of Zisukhanyo Educare Centre, the creche that we are partnered with. There was a class of 11 children who will be leaving to attend primary school next year. It was a very sweet, special, African time and we were glad to be there and glad to have Esther with us so she could experience it as well. Josh and I were able to share something with the parents and there were prayers and songs, and food.

I have come to see how important education is. Especially when you are coming from a community with an unemployment rate of over 50%. It was very exciting to see this small group who will go into school ready for the challenge having already had a positive experience with education. And it is with all thanks to their very dedicated team of teachers who really have a heart for the kids and serve the children and community. They make a lot of sacrifices to make education available to children who wouldn’t have a head start like this otherwise.


the graduates with their teachers, principal and a guest from the department of education who came

the graduates with their teachers, principal and a guest from the department of education

The parents and grandparents who came

The parents and grandparents who came

One of the teachers handing out a graduation certificate

One of the teachers handing out a graduation certificate

Josh with the little graduates and one of their very dedicated teachers

Josh with the little graduates and one of their very dedicated teachers